The TRUTH about vaccines

“I Just Want Them To Be Safe”

«We can all agree there’s nothing more important than the health and safety of our children… Parents should be informed about both the benefits and the risks associated with vaccines — without pressure, propaganda, or agenda.»

So we brought together more than 60 of the world’s foremost health experts to investigate both sides of this contentious debate to give you the science, the history, and the untold story… the REAL information you need to make an informed decision on how to best protect your child.»

Den første av disse episodene har blitt lagt ut tilgjengelig for publikum på Youtube av produsentene for gjennomsyn. Klikk her for å se første episode på Youtube


– Dr. Jennifer Margulis thoroughly explains the fundamental concept of “informed consent” and shares some “insider secrets” of the CDC.

– Robert F. Kennedy Jr at shares the real reasons why vaccine manufacturers have no liability and describes the “precautionary principle”.

– Hear from an attorney who litigates vaccine cases in the “Vaccine Court”.

– Get a “behind the scenes” look at a “vaccine legislation” meeting with a Congressman in the Rayburn House Building in Washington D.C.

– Hear the personal story of Davida and Nico LaHood (District Attorney for Bexar County, TX) as they describe the differences in their four children

– Mike Adams (“the Health Ranger”) articulates the “risk benefit” analysis that is required for vaccines and elaborates on the similarities and differences between “vaccinations” and “immunizations.”

– Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. describes the smallpox epidemics in Victorian England and assesses the impact of the smallpox vaccine on these outbreaks.

– Pathologist and HPV expert, Dr. Sin Hang Lee M.D., discuss editorial censorship of his articles about HPV DNA being found in the HPV vaccines.

– Dr. Jack Wolfson, D.O. describes his appearance on NBC Television discussing the measles outbreak at Disneyland a couple of years ago.

– Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O. describes how he regrets failing to do his homework prior to vaccinating his patients.




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