Sjokktall omkring dødelighet blant unge fra covidvax


-Hvorfor snakker man ikke om dette? Spørsmålet besvares av finansmann Edward Dowd i dette ferske intervjuet med utgangspunkt i høy overdødelighet blant unge i tilknytning til covidvaksinene. Han tar også for seg tallgrunnlaget vedrørende skader og bivirkninger der utfallet ikke har medført død, noe som medvirker til å gi et detaljert bilde omkring alvorligheten i situasjonen. Dowd er forfatten bak boka «Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022

Innledende utdrag fra intervjuet:

Mr. Jekielek: You were on the show about a year-and-a-half ago, and we talked about some astonishing data that you had put together around the rise in excess mortality, and a number of other related issues. You were just recently testifying in Congress. What’s the bottom line of what you’ve found now?

Mr. Dowd: The bottom line is this. There were a tremendous amount of excess deaths that really peaked in 2021, then started coming down again in 22 and 23. The excess death toll since the vaccination is that about 1.1 million Americans excessively died, and 300,000 of those were between the ages of 15 and 64. That compares to 2020, where 458,000 people died and that was mostly older Americans. Only 27 percent were between the ages of 15 and 64. That shifted in 2021 to about 47 percent.

In fact, the absolute number in 2020 was 124,000 between the ages of 15 and 64. That went up to 215,000, a 74 percent increase from 2020 to 2021. That’s striking to me, because we were told the virus mostly killed older Americans with comorbidities. Why then was there a mix shift in 2021? Because an equal amount of Americans died excessively each year, but we then shifted to almost half of those Americans being of working age.

Kilder: The Epoch Times

illustrasjon: adobe



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